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by Paige Harbison

The weather is perfect for sitting outside with friends around a campfire and clutching our sweaters and loved ones closer. We all love s’mores, but maybe it is time we find a new way to love them!

It’s going to sound so obvious you’ll wonder why you never thought of it before. Rather than graham crackers, toasted marshmallows, and chocolate, how about this? A nice, savory s’more-like-snack!

Instead of graham crackers, pick out a favorite crostini such as rosemary, garlic and basil or simply slice a French baguette.

In place of marshmallows, pick out a favorite cheese you like to eat warm or melted! Brie or Camembert works great, but a somewhat-thinly sliced harder cheese would be tasty too.

Instead of chocolate, maybe some, summer sausage,  sliced pear or apple!

Just like with fondue or our picnic post, what makes this so great is that there are endless combinations and opportunities for experimenting here. Maybe have some friends over, light up the firepit, and put together a cheesy s’mores bar. People can load up their plates, and start skewering ingredients. Brie, Apple, Chocolate, melted onto French bread? Graham Cracker, Cheddar, and Pear? Give it all a try!

This makes for a really fun activity with friends, and is a nice way to incorporate an old favorite chilly-night activity with something a little more gourmet!


Paige Harbison


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