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by Paula Butler

Cheese was first discovered several millennia ago. For a long time, people used an open wood fire, a copper pot and a wooden spoon to make cheese, but over the years cheese-making enthusiasts have been refining their tools, techniques and ingredients to make better and more unique cheeses. It’s still easy to make cheese right in your own kitchen though, with only a handful of key cheese making supplies or the help of our convenient cheese making kits.


Cheese Making Supplies – The Essentials

To begin making your own cheese, take a look at our recommended list of kitchen tools:

Absolute necessities (with our preferences given in parenthesis):

  • 8, 12, or 16 quart pots with lids (stainless steel or enamel pots)
  • Thermometer that reads from 0° to 220°F (digital instant-read style thermometer)
  • Strainer (stainless steel, fine mesh colander)
  • Perforated ladle or skimmer spoon
  • Long kitchen knife for cutting curds
  • Measuring cups and spoons (1/8 used often)

Extra helpful items:

  • Drain cloth (flour sack towels or pillow cases with a thread count of 150 or less)
  • Parchment paper or a Silpat
  • Microwave safe bowl

Cheese Making Kits

If you’re new to cheese making, the most convenient way to get started is by investing in a cheese making kit that provides you with the tools and ingredients you’ll need right away.

“Basic” Cheese Making Kit 

Get started with our Basic Cheese Making Kit. It contains cheese making supplies to convert roughly 10-15 gallons of milk into chevre, mascarpone, mozzarella, cottage cheese and ricotta cheese.

It includes essentials such as liquid microbial rennet that is conducive to vegetarian and is much preferred to tablet form, which can result in inconsistent cheese; calcium chloride (an essential item if you use store-bought milk); citric acid (preferred over lemon juice or vinegar) and cheese salt. The kit also has a large, reusable soft curd draining cloth, and our helpful “Beginner guide to Cheese Making” recipe booklet, which includes our no-fail mozzarella recipe.

For those who want to go all out, we offer cheese making kits that go beyond the essentials.

“Ultimate” Cheese Making Kit, 2022 FOOD NETWORKS BEST OVERALL CHEESE KIT!

The Ultimate Cheese Making Kit contains cheese making supplies from our Basic Cheese Making Kit plus:

  • Added recipes let you dive into some intermediate cheeses such as, Feta, Cream Cheese, Monterey Jack, Cheddar and Halloumi!
  • Lipase powder - This is used to make Italian and Mediterranean cheeses
  • Mesophilic culture (MM100), used in many soft cheeses as well as most all semi hard and hard cheeses.
  • Instant read thermometer

 “Complete” Cheese Making Kit 

The Complete Cheese Making Kit makes it very easy to start making cheese since it contains all the key ingredients mention in from the previous kits plus an extensive collection of kitchen tools including an:

  • 8-quart stainless steel pot with lid
  • Skimmer spoon
  • Fine mesh strainer
  • Basket-style small cheese mold
  • Instant read thermometer
What are you waiting for? Get yourself some cheese making supplies and get cooking!

Paula Butler


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